Want to help support TrendWeight?
TrendWeight is a free app. I created it in my free time because I like tech gadgets and I wanted a better way to apply the concepts of the Hacker's Diet to my own day-to-day life. I didn't create it in order to make money. However, from time to time, I get an email from someone asking if there is some way they can make a donation to help support TrendWeight.
Although TrendWeight is a development project I work on in my free time (i.e. I don't have to pay anyone's salary), there are fees I pay each month for the servers that host the TrendWeight web site and database. In the interest of transparency, let me tell you what those costs are. Currently, trendweight.com runs on Windows Azure and uses these resources:
- A B1-tier App Service instance ($0.075 per hour or ~$55 per month)
- A Azure SQL Database ($6 per month with backups)
- A very small amount of storage and bandwidth (approx $1 per month)
In total, my monthly bill usually comes to about $62 per month.
Now let me be very clear: I don't need help to pay for TrendWegith. I can afford to run TrendWeight out of my own pocket. I created this page because people keep emailing me asking how they can help.
If you would like to send a small tip or donation, I suggest one of these methods...
Leave a tip via Ko-fi
Ko-Fi lets you use a credit card, Paypal, or Apple Pay.
Send a tip directly
If you like, you can also send me a small tip directly on PayPal or Venmo:
- Venmo: ErvWalter
- PayPal: Erv Walter